Taking CPP early might be a good solution if you need cash flow or need help to fund your retirement. Ryan and Andrew discuss whether this is the right decision for you and what the break-even age is if you start collecting early.

Consult with a Senior Wealth Advisor to help you make an informed decision about whether to collect CPP before the age of 65. 

This information has been prepared by Andrew Raymer & Ryan Husk who are Senior Wealth Advisors for Raymer Financial | iA Private Wealth Inc. and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of iA Private Wealth. The information contained in this podcast comes from sources we believe reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. The information contained herein may not apply to all types of investors. iA Private Wealth Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. iA Private Wealth is a trademark and a business name under which iA Private Wealth Inc. operates. This video is a general discussion of certain issues intended as general information only and should not be relied upon as legal advice. Please obtain independent professional advice in the context of your particular circumstance. Only products and services offered through iA Private Wealth Inc. Are covered by the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.