Raymer Financial Scholarship Fund
Application form

Administered by the
Tavistock Assistance Program

The Raymer Financial Scholarship fund was developed to encourage people in our community to build leadership skills through post-secondary education.
We recognize that by empowering someone willing to learn, we set them up to become strong decision makers and influencers who will help to shape our community for years to come.
This scholarship program provides funds to those who have special financial needs, and encourages their pursuit of a post-secondary education (college /university / trade school).
New grads and mature students are eligible to apply.
The Fund is administered by The Tavistock Assistance Program. The financial award is based upon the needs of the applicants, and will be made on a semester or annual basis, whenever funds are available. The monetary value range of the award will be between $500 to $1500 per school year.
Recipients are eligible to apply in subsequent years if the need is required.
A selection committee directs the funds and the program is managed confidentially.
The following guidelines will apply to awards:
A. Recipients of awards must have residential or familial ties to the service area of the Tavistock Assistance Program
B. Recipients of awards are engaged in or about to
engage in post-secondary school studies.
C. The Selection Committee will consider the following
factors in order of priority:
1. Currently or recently resides within the service area of the Tavistock Assistance Program
2. Financial need
3. Motivation
4. Academic achievement
* The Selection Committee has the discretionary power
to vary the aforesaid guidelines.
Please provide the following documents along with the application form:
- A letter of reference
- Copy of most recent transcript
- A financial statement listing the following costs: accommodations, tuition, books/study material, travel, loans, other (specify), and assets: savings/RESP, scholarships, employment, other (specify)